And so it begins

~ Sunday, February 19, 2012
Welcome!  I am so excited right now to be finally posting to this blog, that I have talked about for some time now.  Enough talk...I'm grabbing my computer by the horns and sharing all my creative ventures with other creative folk or even the creative impared.  Get your pens and printers ready...I will be sharing some yummy treats(with dairy and egg free alternatives...for the hubs), tasty recipes, fun and adventureous handcrafting and smart living...I call it.  I will do my very best to capture all of the special moments, creative ventures and definetally all the details, so you can follow along and try these things for yourself.

Oh how rude, I forgot to introduce myself.  I am Jenna Saunders.  I am a wifey and a mommy.  On my days off....let me take a moment to insert a...hahahahaha!!, I meant, my few spare moments in a day, I love to cook, bake and create.  Since being married(almost 8 amazing years now :)), I have taken on the responsibility of making sure my husband Mark has a full belly.  Five wonderful pasta filled years passed and then I had a sweet lil face to sweet Haylen.  Did I mention she's TWO!  Now accepting prayers :).  She's a stubborn picky eater and I'm on a mission to change that and make sure her chubby counterpart...8 month old sister Kyrie isnt.  Thank goodness all kids are not exactly alike.  Our Kyrie is a champion eater...her thighs are sure proof of that(pics to come ;)).  My cooking got a bit more complicated when Mark's blood test results returned with a list of foods he was to avoid, like dairy, eggs, caesin, too much yeast, pecans...but mostly dairy, eggs and caesin.  So all those yummy cheesy, creamy, scrambled eggy meals were a part of our happy past.  Fairwell...we loved you!  But we picked up our chins and I dug my nose into helpful allergy free books, websites, blogs and such and found a new found excitement in the challenges set before me.  Now we eat almost completely dairy, egg and caesin free but I still love to bake devilishly allergy filled desserts and baked goods for family and friends.  You might see many recipe posts on here in the near future from my two allergy free) and

Aside of cooking and baking, my first love has been crafting.  I have dipped my hand in a lil of this and that.  I can't seem to stay on one project long enough before I get excited about starting a new one.  I have spent many hours making cards, paper and felt flowers, trying my hand at sewing and many more fun things.  The projects just keep getting bigger and bigger.  We are soon moving into a new place with a garage!  Can you tell I'm excited!?  I remember as a wee one, for Christmas I got a Power Tool Set and a tool belt with my own tools.  I spent many summer days in the garage building who knows what kind of junk out of wood scraps my dad had in the garage.  This Christmas...Mark gave me the big kid very own Nail Gun!!!  Yeah Baby!  I have high plans of building my own furniture and refinishing old treasures.  So follow my fearless creative journey and be encouraged to be fearless too.  Just DO!  


Sunny Simple Life said...

I cannot believe my baby niece is this grown woman with so much talent and knowledge. I must never bake this cake as I still have a couple pounds from Christmas to lose. It sounds so good though.

She Bakes, She Makes said...

Haha...I hear yah on the pounds. I will make this cake and have to do my very best to make sure everyone else eats it, so I don't! It's sooooo good! And you are the one with the talent and knowledge Aunt Elaine...I just love your blog!!

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